
Media Coverage

South China Morning Post
Oriental Daily News (Chinese version only)
am730 (Chinese version only)
10funhealth (Chinese version only)
Sky Post (Chinese version only)
RTHK (Chinese version only)
Metro Daily (Chinese version only)
HK01 (Chinese version only)
Bastille Post (Chinese version only)
Headline Daily (Chinese version only)
Sing Tao Daily (Chinese version only)
Hong Kong Economic Journal (Chinese version only)
Hong Kong Commercial Daily (Chinese version only)
Big Data (Chinese version only)
(For more details please refer to Media Coverage)

Virtual Fair of Jockey Club Post-diagnostic Support in Dementia Care Programme

JCCPA held a Dementia Care’s Virtual Fair to promote Jockey Club Post-Diagnostic Support in Dementia Care Programme (JCPDSP) on 23 October. Over 25 NGOs set up virtual booths of their dementia services. JCPDSP also invited overseas and local professionals to share different topics of “Person Comes First – Living Well with Dementia” in Webinar. Dr. LAW Chi-Kwong, GBS, JP, Secretary for Labour and Welfare, Mr. Leong CHEUNG, Executive Director, Charities and Community, The Hong Kong Jockey Club, Dr. The Honourable LAM Ching-Choi, SBS, JP, Chairman of the Elderly Commission and Prof. Francis CHAN, Dean of Faculty of Medicine, The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) also graced the online event with their speeches.

Jockey Club Post-diagnostic Support in Dementia Care Programme

Some of the media have been invited to participate in the media interview of the Jockey Club Post-Diagnostic Support in Dementia Care Programme.  During the interview, Kate, who is currently in Australia, analyzed the challenges of dementia in the 21st century via a video call. She introduced the plans and policies of different countries in supporting people with dementia and their family members. Dr. Kenny Chui Chi-Man explained the details of the programme. Professor Timothy Kwok Chi-Yui was on-site to demonstrate how to use the EC Screen App and summarise the new trend of dementia services. Ms. Ho, a family caregiver of her mother being diagnosed with dementia, shared her experiences and support received through this programme.

Family Caregivers Training Course

With the generous support from the Hong Kong Jockey Club Community Project Grant, we are conducting a “Caregiver Training and Community Support in Dementia Care” programme. The project launched a new series of the “Family Caregivers Training Course” from September to December on a free-of-charge basis.  Modules three and four of the new series were conducted on 17 October via an online platform.

Our Physiotherapist, Mr. Ben Chan, and Training Consultant, Mr. Andrew Lau, shared with the family caregivers about dementia care related topics, such as pain management, fall prevention exercises suitable for people with dementia, demonstration of lifting skills, preparedness for caregiving, and loss prevention information, etc. During the training, participants raised questions and responded very enthusiastically. We sincerely hope the practice could help them alleviate their difficulties and pressures. The two pieces of training attracted a total of about 130 participants.

The next training course will be in November. For those who are interested in the course, please stay tuned on our Website and Facebook.

Ageing Gracefully E-book

The “Ageing Gracefully” E-book was launched.  This book was dictated by Prof Timothy Kwok, Director of Jockey Club Centre for Positive Ageing, and written by Ms. Leila Chan, Independent Reporter.  It shared Prof. Kwok’s previous experience and knowledge in Geriatrics.
For those who are interested, please visit https://bit.ly/36YiPOi to purchase.

25th Anniversary

25th Anniversary
