
Media Interview

Commercial Radio Hong Kong

(Please click Media Coverage for more details)

"A Pair" Film Premiere and Physical Restraint Sharing

Restraint reduction became a hot discussion topic in the medical and social welfare fields in recent years so to maintain dignity of the people with dementia. JCCPA produced a short film “A Pair” as a medium for discussion about restraint reduction.

The “A Pair” Film Premiere and Physical Restraint Sharing was conducted in Hong Kong Arts Centre on 26 July. We would like to thank the following honourable guests for giving an insightful sharing together with our Director, Prof Timothy Kwok and General Manager, Ms Florence Ho: Mr. Wong Fei Pang, the film director of “A Pair”, Mr. Siuyea Lo, the leading actor, Ms. Fish Liew, the leading actress, Dr Maria Chui, Professional Consultant, CUHK Jockey Club Institute of Ageing, Mr. Leung Chu Hei,  Superintendent, Chuk Lam Ming Tong Care and Attention Home for the Aged, Ms Winsome Tse, former senior editor and caregiver, Ms Ho Siu Shan.

Caregivers Training Course

A Caregivers Training Course was conducted on 13 July. Besides the basic knowledge about dementia, the content also covers communication skills, BPSD management, activities planning and community resources and so forth. It aims to provide caregivers with practical skills on taking care people with dementia and relieve their caring pressure and difficulties.

The course received very positive feedback and a full enrollment. For those who are interested in the course, please stay tuned with our website and Facebook.

"The Tail Before" Film Public Screening cum "Care in Late Stage Dementia" Sharing Session (the 11th & 12th session)

JCCPA and Wing Wah Charity Foundation jointly organise a number of film screenings of “The Tail Before” “Film Public Sreening cum “Care in Late Stage Dementia” Sharing Sessions from July 2018 to June 2020. Against the backdrop involving different stakeholders in the sharing sessions, both caregivers and professionals in the fields can share their views, concerns and enquiries on the topic of Advance Care Planning through discussion. We deeply appreciate the generous support from Wing Wah Charity Foundation.

The eleventh and the twelfth screening session were held on 6 July and 10 July 2019. Our Training Consultant Mr. Andrew Lau discussed the topic of advance care plan with the general public at the events which are jointly organized with Ho Cheung Home for the Elderly (Sponsored by Sik Sik Yuen) and Haven of Hope Christian Service respectively.

For more details about Advance Care Plan, please click here.

To watch “The Tail Before”, please click here to watch the film.

Caregiver Support Group

The seventh session of Caregiver Support Group was conducted on 20 July 2019. Mr. Andrew Lau shared with the participants on “Mindfulness and Mental Health”.

 Limited place available for application, interested caregivers please visit this link for details.

Dementia Community Support Scheme

In collaboration with Faculty of Medicine, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, JCCPA is providing training courses for the “Dementia Community Support Scheme”. The training aims to facilitate professional and frontline staff to be familiar with the operation of the Scheme and enhance their capacity, expertise and skills in providing support service to people with dementia. The first cohort started since March and there were 14 lectures conducted in this month.

“Dementia Community Support Scheme” is launched by The Food and Health Bureau in collaboration with the Social Welfare Department and the Hospital Authority (HA). This scheme provides dementia community support services to elderly persons with mild or moderate dementia and their caregivers in the community through the participation of 41 District Elderly Community Centres (DECC). Please click here for more details.

Training Service

5 July: Training Consultant Mr. Andrew Lau was invited by Cheung Hong Baptist Church Neighborhood Elderly Centre to share “Treatment for dementia: non-medication intervention” and “Group activity design” with their frontline staff.

11 July: Mr. Andrew Lau was invited by Ho Yee Neighborhood Centre for Senior Citizens (Sponsored by Sik Sik Yuen) to share a session of “Brain health training – activities” and “Brain health training – exercises” with a group of caregivers.

16 July: Mr. Andrew Lau was invited by Choi Ha Neighborhood Elderly Centre to conduct a session of “Dementia experience” and “Palliative care” with a group of frontline staff and professional staff.

17 July: Mr. Andrew Lau was invited by Pentecostal Church of Hong Kong Tze Fung Elderly Centre to share a session of”Communication skills”,”Group activity design” and”Exercises and body coordination training” with a group of frontline staff.

23 & 25 July: Mr. Andrew Lau was invited by Haven of Hope District Elderly Community Service – Kin Ming Centre to share “Medical and non-medical intervention”, “Activities and daily routine planning”, “Activity design and daily routine for people with dementia and “The planning of caregivers” with a group of caregivers.

25 July: Mr. Andrew Lau was invited by Cheung Hong Baptist Church Neighborhood Elderly Centre to share “Treatment for dementia: non-medical intervention” and “Group activity design for people with dementia” with a group of frontline staff.

Visitors from organizations

CUHK Medical Students

25th Anniversary

25th Anniversary
