Brain Health Tips

We can establish habits in our daily routines to protect our brain health and reduce the possibility of dementia.

10 Habits for Good Brain Health

Stimulate Your Brain
The brain is like a machine. Active usage will run better and faster. The development of the brain is based on the principle of “advance or retreat”. Therefore, it is necessary to engage in activities, learn new things, and create new sensory experiences, such as: playing chess or mahjong, reading books, newspapers, and magazines extensively, learning multiple languages or other skills, going backpacking.


Have a Balanced Diet
Three meals should be high in fibre, low in salt and low in fat. Food intakes should be rich in protein, Omega-3, vitamin B complex, folic acid and natural antioxidants (vitamin C, E, beta carotene), such as milk, fresh marine fish, dark green vegetables, fruits, whole grains, green tea and red wine, etc. Follow the Food Pyramid diet. Eat more different foods to absorb different nutrients and avoid the lack of certain nutrients.


Exercise Regularly
Exercise can stimulate the brain, make people feel happy and satisfied, and slow down the loss of neurons. Establish a habit of regular exercising, such as walking 30 minutes a day. Even just walking, climbing stairs or doing housework is also good for brain health. In addition, exercise can increase the blood flow in the brain. Oxygen and glucose are the most basic essential elements in the brain, which not only increase the blood flow to the brain, but also increase the blood supply.


Be Socially Active
Participate in social activities to avoid interpersonal isolation. Studies confirmed that those who interact frequently with family, relatives, friends, neighbours and colleagues, are slower to have cognitive degeneration and will also live longer.


Stay Positive
Studies have found that long-term exposure to stress hormones can cause a large number of neuronal deaths, leading to atrophy of the hippocampus. Therefore, you should learn the skills of stress management, such as practicing relaxation, positive thinking, and self-affirmation.


Stay Well Rested
Have 6 to 8 hours of sleep a day, while maintaining good sleeping quality and environment. If you can’t rest enough, your brain will be fatigue and the functions of memory and attention will be impaired. Chance of having stroke will also increase.


Stop Smoking & Drinking
Don’t smoke, drink or take drugs, so as not to disrupt the balance of the brain mechanism and cause pathological changes in organs and body tissues.


Pay Attention to Your Health
Avoid fatty foods to prevent heart disease, high blood pressure and diabetes, which will increase the chance of having dementia. Always pay attention to whether your weight, blood pressure, blood glucose level, cholesterol indexes are within the standard range. Seek professional medical assistance when necessary. Do not underestimate the potential threat of its complications to the brain.


Eat Regularly
Three meals a day regularly can reduce the nutritional imbalance in the brain. Some studies have pointed out that the feeling of “hungry” can cause irritability and unstable emotion. Studies have also pointed out that eating breakfast can help focus, because brain cells rely on glucose as fuel. After a night of rest, blood glucose will be lower. Therefore, the habit of eating breakfast is very important for maintaining brain health.


Avoid Head Injury
Reduce the risk of accidental head injury for brain protection.
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