Dementia Medications

Although we cannot cure or prevent dementia through medicines, medicines can help to improve, relieve or slow down cognitive decline or symptoms caused by dementia. Caregivers need to pay special attention on issue of polypharmacy and drug compliance as people with dementia may need to take several drugs. You should consult practitioners or pharmacists if you have any questions. 


Practitioners prescribe medicines after consultation. Generally, efficacy requires continuous use of medications for at least several weeks.

Oral Medications

Medicine Stages of Dementia Common Dosage How to use Common Side Effect
Memantine, Ebixa® Middle to late
  • Initial: Take 5mg in the morning
  • doctor may adjust the dose up to 10mg and take it in the morning and evening if necessary
It can be taken with or without food
  • Headache, dizziness and diarrhea etc.
Donepezil, Aricept® Early to middle Take 5-10mg before bedtime May take with food to reduce stomach upset
  • Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and loss of appetite
  • Headache, dizziness, insomnia
Galantamine (Extended-Release Capsule), Reminyl® Early to middle Take 8-24mg in the morning May take with food to reduce stomach upset
  • Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and loss of appetite
  • Headache, dizziness, insomnia
Rivastigmine, Exelon® Early to middle Take 1.5mg in the morning and evening
(The maximum dose is 12 mg per day)
Take with meal and swallow it directly
  • Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, stomach upset and loss of appetite
  • Dizziness and headache

Transdermal Patch

Medicine Stages of Dementia Common Dosage How to use Common Side Effect
Exelon® Patch Early to middle Apply one patch to the skin every 24 hours. (4.6 or 9.5 mg)
  • The efficacy of the patch lasts for 24 hours, and it can reduce stomach upset compared to oral medication (Rivastigmine).
Refer to the application of Exelon® Patch
  • Rash and itchiness
  • Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, stomach upset and loss of appetite
  • Dizziness and headache

Application of Exelon® Patch

  • The old patch should be removed before applying a new patch to a different skin location
  • Should not apply a new patch to the same area for at least 2 weeks
  • Apply the patch to a clean, dry, hairless area on the back, upper arm or chest
    • Should not apply the patch on abdomen
    • The patch should not be cut into pieces
    • Apply a new patch immediately if the existing patch falls off

How many drugs are you taking?

In order to cure various chronic diseases, people with dementia may need to take numerous medicines. If you are taking 5 or more medicines regularly, you may undergo polypharmacy.

Risks of Polypharmacy

  • Adverse drug reactions or side effects are caused
  • Unnecessary medicines are taken unintentionally
  • There are drug interactions between dementia medicines and other drugs

What can I do?

  • Prepare an accurate medicine list that you are taking and show to healthcare professions in every consultation
  • Examine all the medicines that you are taking by healthcare professions in order to optimize medical therapy
  • Consult healthcare professions or pharmacists before taking unprescribed medicines, health food, supplements and proprietary Chinese medicines
  • Check and dispose expired medicines frequently, especially those already used

Do you have trouble in taking medicines as directed?

It is important to take medicines in directed dosage and time in order to achieve your health goals.

Why it is hard to comply?

Personal Factors

  • Being neglected
  • Not fully understand about the prescribed medicines or treatment

Physical Limitation

  • Forgetful
  • Unable to swallow any food or medicines

Complexity of treatment

  • Unwilling to change lifestyle so as to comply with complicated instructions and timetable
  • Adverse drug interactions is encountered

How to improve

Looking for assistance

  • Schedule your timetable wisely
  • Remark the time in an app for reminder
Learn more about medicines and diseases
Examine medicines you are taking
  • Consult your pharmacist
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