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腦退化症患者家屬照顧者的哀傷情緒自助手冊 (Available in Chinese version only)

香港中文大學醫學院內科及藥物治療學系、香港中文大學社會科學院社會工作學系,以及賽馬會耆智園得到香港中文大學知識轉移基金支持,開展腦退化症患者的家屬照顧者哀傷硏究,旨在探討腦退化症患者的家屬照顧者在「哀傷及失去」 方面的詳情及應對。本手冊為這研究項目的成果之一,內容包括介紹腦退化症的哀傷及家屬照顧者應對哀傷情緒的自助貼士,冀能為香港社區腦退化症患者的家屬照顧者提供更多這方面的資訊。

Newsletter - March 2019

愛‧回憶 Love Memory (Available in Chinese version only)
Design Concept:

  • Although more people have become aware of dementia in recent years, misconceptions still exist among the general public. This can cause delays in diagnosis.

  • There are many people who choose to face the challenges of dementia by taking on a positive attitude and training, while others are very nervous about dementia.

  • The JCCPA interviewed four people with early stage dementia and wrote the storybook Love Memory to share their encouraging stories with the general public.

Newsletter - July 2018

Newsletter - January 2018

Newsletter - June 2017

Newsletter - January 2017

25th Anniversary

25th Anniversary