
Media Interview

Commercial Radio Hong Kong (Chinese Version Only)
ViuTV (Chinese Version Only)
TVB (Chinese Version Only)
Hong Kong Open TV (Chinese Version Only)
Ming Pao Weekly (Chinese Version Only)
Ming Pao JUMP (Chinese Version Only)
Metro Radio (Chinese Version Only)
the Hong Kong Polytechnic University — PolyU Milestone
(Please click Media Coverage for more details)

Dementia Community Support Scheme

In collaboration with Faculty of Medicine, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, JCCPA is providing training courses for the “Dementia Community Support Scheme”. The training aims to facilitate professional and frontline staff to be familiar with the operation of the Scheme and enhance their capacity, expertise and skills in providing support service to people with dementia. The first cohort started on 12 March.

“Dementia Community Support Scheme” is launched by The Food and Health Bureau in collaboration with the Social Welfare Department and the Hospital Authority (HA). This scheme provides dementia community support services to elderly persons with mild or moderate dementia and their caregivers in the community through the participation of 41 District Elderly Community Centres (DECC). Please click here for more details.

Caregivers Training Course

A Caregivers Training Course was conducted on 23 March. The course aims to provide caregivers with practical skills on taking care people with dementia and relieve their caring difficulties and pressure.

As the course received very positive feedback and a full enorllment, another session will be held on 13 July 2019. For those who are interested in the course, please stay tuned with our website and Facebook in May.

The Tail Before" Film Public Screening cum "Care in Late Stage Dementia" Sharing Session (the 8th session)

JCCPA and Wing Wah Charity Foundation jointly organise a number of film screenings of “The Tail Before” cum “Care in Late Stage Dementia” Sharing Sessions from July 2018 to June 2020. Against the backdrop involving different stakeholders in the sharing sessions, both caregivers and professionals in the fields can share their views, concerns and enquiries on the topic of Advance Care Planning through discussion. We deeply appreciate the generous support from Wing Wah Charity Foundation.

The eighth screening session was successfully held on 30 March 2019 at Yan Chai Hospital Fong Yock Yee Neighbourhood Elderly Centre. Our Training Consultant Mr. Andrew Lau discussed the topic of advance care plan with 51 caregivers.

For more details about Advance Care Plan, please click here.

To watch “The Tail Before”, please click here to watch the film. 

Caregiver Support Group

The third session of Caregiver Support Group was conducted on 16 March 2019. Mr. Andrew Lau, our Training Consultant, shared with the participants on “Home Safty and Prevent Falling at home”.

Limited place available for application, interested caregivers please visit this link for details.

Training Service

7 March: Senior Training Consultant Ms. Nancy Tang was invited by Mercer (Hong Kong) Limited to share “The common elderly health issues, how to communicate effectively with elderly and tips on maintaining brain health” with their staff.

7 March: Senior training consultant Mr Kenny Chui was invited by Golden Age Foundation to share the campaign of “Jockey Club Dementia Friendly Communities – I am Dementia Angel!” with hundred professional staff.

12 March: Training Consultant Mr. Andrew Lau was invited by China Peniel Missionary Society Inc. Neightbourhood Elderly Centre of Grace to share “How to communicate with People with Dementia” with their professional and frontline staff.

13 March: Training Consultant Mr. Andrew Lau was invited by The Salvation Army Hoi Yu Day Care Centre for Senior Citizens to share “Caring tips on food and nutrition of people with dementia” with their professional and frontline staff.

14 March: Senior Training Consultant Mr. Kenny Chui was invited by Pacific Life Re to share “Delivering a holistic dementia patient care” with 33 staff members.

18 March: Senior Training Consultant Ms. Nancy Tang was invited by Chung Shak Hei (Cheung Chau) Home for the Aged Ltd. to share “How to communicate with People with dementia” with 17 professional staff.

20 March: Training Consultant Mr. Andrew Lau was invited by The Nethersole School of Nursing to share “Holistic intervention for dementia clients: A strengths-based approach” with 29 professional staff.

26 March: Training Consultant Mr. Andrew Lau was invited by Caritas Jockey Club Lai King Rehabilitation Centre to share “How to communicate with people with dementia and a session of Dementia Experience” with 18 frontline staff.

26 March: Training Consultant Mr. Andrew Lau was invited by Sun Chui Lutheran Centre for the Elderly to share “How to effectively reduce the pressure of care” with 25 caregivers.

Visitors from professionals and organizations

Tung Wah Group of Hospitals Fong Yun Wah Neighbourhood Elderly Centre
Shun Hing Technology Company Limited
Proassist Limited of Japan
Institute of Vocational Training (Kwai Chung)
Division of Speech and Hearing Sciences, the University of Hong Kong

25th Anniversary

25th Anniversary
