Data Access Request

Data Access Request

Notes of Application – Data Access Request This Data Access request is only for ascertaining whether Jockey Club Centre for Positive Ageing of PA Company Ltd (hereafter in “the Organization”) holds the Data Subject’s Personal Data or Medical Related Records.  This application is processed under the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance.
  1. This application is processed under the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance. An individual or a relevant person on behalf of an individual is entitled to make a Data Access Request to ascertain whether the Organization holds the personal data of the Data Subject or if the organization holds such data, to be supplied with a copy of such data.
  2. Except with the consent of the individual concerned, the personal data collected in this application will be used for the purpose of processing this data access request and other directly related purposes only.
  3. The Data Subject, in relation to personal data, must be a living individual.
  4. When a relevant person applies on behalf of the Data Subject, a written consent from the Data Subject must be obtained. The Relevant Person must present his/her original/certify true copy of the identity document. The Relevant Person should also present the Data Subject’s original/certify true copy of the identity document upon request.
  5. All relevant supporting documents of the Relevant Person and Data Subject should be presented for verification of identity upon request. Copy of the documents may be required.  Examples of supporting documents are:
    • Hong Kong Identity Card
    • Marriage Certificate
    • A birth certificate/legal custody paper if the Relevant Person claims parental responsibility for the Data Subject
    • An original authorization form signed by the Data Subject where the Relevant Person claims to have been duly authorised by the Data Subject
    • A court document issued by a court appointing the Relevant Person to manage the affairs of the Data Subject who is incapable of managing his own affairs
    • A guardianship order issued by the Guardianship Board/court/magistrate which can show that the Relevant Person is currently appointed as the guardian of the mentally incapacitated Data Subject
    • Documentary evidence to show that the Relevant Person has been vested the guardianship or that he is authorised to perform the functions of a guardian under the relevant section of the Mental Health Ordinance
  6. The Data Subject is required to sign next to any amendment made on the documents/application form.
  7. Please specify clearly and in detail the request period (e.g. March 2004 to May 2004) and type of data required (e.g. Medical Report, Medical Assessment Records or Diagnostic records etc.). The Organization may require further information to enable us to identify and/or locate the Requested Data. Too general description of the Requested Data such as “all of my personal data” may render the request being refused if we are not supplied with such information as we may reasonably require to locate the Requested Data.
  8. Charges for Copy Data Request for the Supply of Personal Data The Processing Fee of Copy Data Request is HK$100 per request. The Processing Fee is inclusive of reproduction charge for not more than 10 pages of paper-based records and postage (this postage is applied for areas of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People’s of China “HKSAR”). For paper-based records whether in the form of hard copy or electronic copy, the reproduction charge for the 11th page and onward is HK$2 per page. In addition, the processing fee of each Medical Report is from HK$830 to HK$3,315 and the actual fee will be determined by the organization.
  9. ‘Copy Data Request’ will be processed only after the processing fee of HK$100 is paid. Payment by cheque should be crossed and made payable to the “PA Company Limited”.
  10. The Organization will reply to the Relevant Person within 40 days after receiving the request. For any further reproduction charges payable on top of the Processing Fee, The Organization will notify the Relevant Person to settle the further payment and the Requested Data will be released after the residual cost is cleared.
  11. Under no circumstance will the Requested Data be released without receiving consent from the Data Subject and Data Subject’s authorized person, checking original and copy of relevant documents.
  12. The Organization reserves the right to interpret and changes of any of the above without notice.
25th Anniversary

25th Anniversary