Jockey Club Caring Communities for Dementia Campaign

The Jockey Club Caring Communities for Dementia Campaign is an important project for the community, with the support of technology, to help locate people with dementia who have gotten lost. Due to cognitive decline, people with dementia have a higher incidence rate of getting lost. Through the “Dementia’s Secret Angel” APP and the iBeacon device, family members and caregivers of those with dementia who are lost can share vital information. The public can play the role of “Dementia Angels” and help locate people once receiving a lost-person report. The goal is to rally the community to become dementia-friendly and help return those who have lost their way to their families.

Target Audience

People with dementia, their family members and caregivers, and the general public


Through an advanced and simple tracing network, the campaign hopes to rally the public to help find people with dementia who have gotten lost. It also serves to enhance public awareness of dementia and how to help people with dementia from getting lost, and move closer towards the goal of building a caring community.


iBeacon Devices


  • No need to recharge everyday: the device uses low power consumed Bluetooth technology which is suitable for people with dementia to bring along with
  • Friendly design: iBeacon has 3 types for selection, light in weight and practical for use
  • Preview of battery power: Can monitor the battery power from the mobile app so as to manage the power supply as soon as it reaches to the low level
  • Easy to feedback on the traces of people who got lost: the Bluetooth technology will automatically transmit the information to caregivers which facilitates the tracing

Application Criteria

  • Age over 50; AND
  • Diagnosed with dementia OR assessed by social worker and confirmed with cognitive decline; AND
  • Living at home (not living in any residential care homes); AND
  • Able to go out with or without supplementary aids; AND
  • Caregiver must have basic knowledge of using smartphone and mobile app

iBeacon Distribution Arrangement

Distribution Arrangement Enquiries & Registration
Deliver by post Jockey Club Centre for Positive Ageing
6804 6307

– Please make registration. Each month will have 15 quotas to distribute on first-come-first-serve basis
– Caregiver must present a certification to validate that his/her family member was diagnosed with dementia, for example, diagnosis letter, medicine bag
(*Assessment must be made within 1 year prior to the application by social worker / healthcare professional and evaluated as stage 4 or above OR the cognitive ability was  classified as ≤ 2nd by social worker through HK-MoCA evaluation)

Enquiries and Application



Thanks to the donation from the Jockey Club Charities Trust, JCCPA in conjunction with St. James’ Settlement and the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology introduced the Jockey Club Caring Communities for Dementia Campaign, running from September 2019 to August 2022. The campaign seeks to establish a tracing network, supplemented by public seminars, large-scale public education activities and technology, to share information about dementia with caregivers and the general public. It also aims to rally the community to join in and provide an additional means of preventing people with dementia from getting lost.

Supporting Organisation

25th Anniversary

25th Anniversary