Jockey Club Discharge Support and Rehabilitation Programme

The Jockey Club Discharge Support and Rehabilitation Programme aims to help people with dementia to rehabilitate and adapt to home life after hospitalisation. The programme comprises three plans to meet the different needs of those with dementia.


The programme is devised to help people rehabilitate and adapt to living and ageing at home after hospitalisation.
Plan Content Cost
Plan 1 12 weeks of residential and day-care, including: 28 consecutive days of residential service (in a quadruple room) and eight weeks of day care service (from three days per week), with cognition activities, personal care, rehabilitation training, home evaluation and other services to help participants recuperate Participants can enjoy all services at subsided rate, or pay for the difference between normal rates for upgrading to other room types or extending service days
Plan 2 Six weeks of day care and training (from two days per week) to help participants improve physical performance and enhance physical capabilities Participants can enjoy all services at subsided rate, or pay for the difference between normal rates for upgrading to other room types or extending service days
Plan 3 Tailor-design personal care plans, through consultation between JCCPA professional staff and family caregivers, with follow up services one month into the plan providing practical home care recommendations Free of charge

“As a family member of a beneficiary of this programme, I can attest to the benefits of the programme. We don’t have to worry about what to do after our family member is discharged from hospital,” Madam Ng.

“My mother looks much happier than before. Her physical and cognitive well-being have been enhanced. This is a good choice for people with dementia,” Madam Cheung.

Target Audience (must meet all the criteria below)

  • People with dementia
  • Hospitalised for an acute condition or emergency, and evaluated by a doctor as suitable for discharge
  • Able to move directly into JCCPA after discharge
  • Will be able to continue living in the community, under the care of family members or a domestic helper, after the residential services at JCCPA 
  • Able to adapt to living with a group
  • Evaluated by JCCPA as physically and mentally fit for residential services


  1. Download application form (Chinese)
  2. Fax the completed application form to 2636 0323
  3. Staff will contact applicants within seven days of receiving the application, and arrange for evaluation of the service user to confirm eligibility
JCCPA has sole jurisdiction on eligibility for this progrmame, and the final decision regarding any disputes. Its decisions will be final and binding.



Following the success of phase one of the Jockey Club Discharge Support and Rehabilitation Programme, JCCPA has received another donation from the Jockey Club Charities Trust to embark on phase two of the programme. The concept of the programme is based on the “Confinement Rehabilitation Programme” proposed by JCCPA Advisory Board member Ms Angelina Luk, a solicitor. The programme aims to train foreign domestic helpers to help family members care for a discharged elderly person, much like a confinement attendant who helps new mothers get acquainted with the tasks of caring for a new-born. The foreign domestic helpers in the “Confinement Rehabilitation Programme” have undergone rigorous elderly care training to become a confinement attendant to help the family members with daily care of a discharged elderly patient, as well as provide rehabilitation training to speed up the recovery and continue positive ageing at home.
25th Anniversary

25th Anniversary