Memory Clinic

Early diagnosis helps delay degeneration

If you suspect that you or family members are showing signs of dementia, do get early medical diagnosis for confirmation. The Memory Clinic has registered medical doctors to evaluate memory and care needs and provide a clinical diagnosis for those who show signs of dementia. It will allow early intervention by a cross-disciplinary professional team to help slow down cognitive degeneration in confirmed cases.

Targeted Service Users

Those suspected of having dementia or showing signs of dementia
(This service is offered only to people holding a HKID card)

Service Fees

Effective Date: 1 September 2022

Memory Assessment by General Practitioner Memory Assessment by Specialist in Geriatric Medicine/ Specialist-in-Psychiatry/Speicalist in Neurology
First Consultation HK$765 per visit* HK$1,395-$1,505 per visit*
Follow-up Consultation HK$445 per visit* HK$750-$910 per visit*
Dispensary Administration Fee HK$90 per visit
*Excludes laboratory tests and medication fees
Service charges subject to the latest announcement of JCCPA
Health Care Voucher

Enquiries & Appointment

25th Anniversary

25th Anniversary