Corporates and Organisations

JCCPA has extensive experience in dementia care, and has been fostering innovative development programmes to meet the lifestyle needs of people with dementia through providing quality and progressive care. We believe that Hong Kong needs more organisations sharing the commitment to care for people with dementia. We are eager to share our experience with other organisations and improve service quality hand in hand. We regularly make visits to schools and community groups to encourage public awareness of dementia. JCCPA also provides training and consultancy services to companies and government departments to help their employees understand how to communicate with people with dementia and understand their needs, and by doing so, elevate customer service quality and competitiveness for their organisations.

Corporate Training and Consultation Services

Planning and Management

Assist organisations to evaluate, plan, manage and develop services to meet the needs of people with dementia or mild cognitive impairment


Professional Training and Development

Provide knowledge through professional training, including basic understanding of dementia, treatments and activity design to help organisations develop and improve services for people with dementia


Environmental Design
Environmental design consultation services help organisations develop and improve environmental facilities and create dementia-friendly settings

Enquiries Tel

Department of Communications and Development
2946 8139
25th Anniversary

25th Anniversary