Public Education

In our diverse community, as the population ages, there will be a higher number of people with dementia emerging. As their brain functions deteriorate, they will show cognitive impairment, as well as a decline in memory and language abilities. As a good neighbour, wouldn’t you want to know a little more about them? JCCPA invites the public to learn more about dementia through different public education activities and be prepared to provide support in the community when required. As well, JCCPA promotes brain health activities to help the public prevent cognitive decline as early as possible.

Upcoming Programmes / Activities

DateTime Programme / ActivityDownload
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Previous Programmes / Activities

Date Programme / ActivityDownload
19/09/2020 "The Tail Before" Closing Ceremony cum "Care in Late Stage Dementia" Sharing Session **FACEBOOK LIVE** Details and
application form
01/04/2020 Dementia Experience (public) Details and
application form
05/01/2019 Screenings of "The Tail Before" cum "Care in Late Stage Dementia" Sharing Sessions Details and
application form
01/01/2018 Jockey Club "Dementia Friendly Communities" Campaign
28/05/2017 Sai Kung Public Library
19/11/2016 Ma On Shan Public Library-What is Dementia?
25th Anniversary

25th Anniversary